Brittany and Chris spent a couple of hours with Jerry in downtown St. Augustine and Vilano beach for their engagement pictures. You can see from their expressions how happy they are with each other and their love is so bright.
Brittany and Chris are from the same town in Georgia and met after college. Their first date was at 4:45 am at the gym and then coffee afterwards!
Chris proposed to Brittany during a very special dinner at Bonefish Grill. We asked Brittany for the details of this special day, and she shared with us what happened after they had eaten their dinner and decided to order dessert:
When the dessert arrived, it had a candle and some writing on the plate. I read on the plate, ‘Will You Marry Me’. It took me several seconds to understand and process what was happening. Finally, I see Chris grab something shiny from the plate and get down on one knee. It was then that I had realized my dream was coming true. I was going to marry my best friend.
We love the colors Brittany chose for her outfits – she looked beautiful! And the teal and coral colors match their beach themed wedding as they wanted something fun, modern and perfect for a refreshing summer wedding.
Brittany and Chris – we cannot wait to photograph your wedding in July! Thanks for sharing this special time with us.
Photography – Favorite Photography
Do you want picture perfect wedding photographs of your first dance? First and foremost, enjoy the moment! Just focusing on each other is key for romantic, beautiful first dance pictures as newly pronounced husband and wife.
We’re not great dancers ourselves, so there’s no way we’d recommend two step over the waltz. We’re just the photographers with a good eye that will capture your first dance jitters, tears and laughter.
Professional dancers need not apply. If you’ve already got your moves down pat, you could no doubt give us a pointer or two. However, many have the two-left-feet and/or fear of being the center of attention in a room full of people syndrome and could use a little advice. So here goes. Whether or not you take special dance classes together, it never hurts to go over your game plan for this special moment. And we have three easy tips to consider incorporating into your repertoire:
1. Start out slow. Take that deep breath, look into each others eyes and really feel the moment. Sometimes it takes a little time to settle into the swing of things and there’s really no need to sweep around the entire dance floor like your Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (or whomever won last season’s Dancing with the Stars).
2. Don’t do any one thing the entire song… do a combination of movements with your heads, hands and arms. (note to left-feeters: even you can do this while going in a slow circle.) For example:
– Dance super close hugging tightly for a moment, then loosen up and give space between you.
– Ladies, try your arms up around his shoulders, and down to his biceps, then maybe with hands resting on his chest
– Guys, you have it easy, just keep your arms low around her waist but feel free to move those hands up and around her back (go as low as grandma would approve of)
– Candid shots are our favorite, but you’ll also love a cheek to cheek look at the camera at least once as you go around
3. Tack on a grand finale – no stress needed – Go for a slow dip at the end of your song, come up with a kiss or simply hold hands side by side while facing your guests with big smiles and perhaps add a little bow. This is a great photo op, so don’t drag each other off the dance floor the second your love song ends. A three second pause, and it’s a wrap.
Here’s a final hint: with the long bridal gown we can’t really see who’s stepping on who’s toes, so don’t worry and take pleasure in this delightful rite of passage on your wedding day!
Photography: Favorite Photography

Amanda and Ryan were all smiles throughout the engagement session, and it’s always a pleasure to capture the happiness of a relationship.
Looking for something a little different for your engagement session? How about adding video fusion – a combination of video clips and photos from your engagement session. You can even incorporate the video as part of your Save the Dates!
Megan and Sheldon had a gorgeous wedding at the Cummer Museum, and we’re excited to share a few of the special moments from the day.
The Cummer makes for a beautiful background, and we’re always excited to shoot weddings or engagements there.
Megan’s smile was truly infectious and we loved how much she smiled and laughed on this special day.
Megan and Sheldon, we wish you utmost happiness and joy in your marriage!
Ceremony: The Cummer Museum
Photography: Favorite Photography
Our last instagram post of 2012! This year has been amazing for Favorite Photography, and this last month proved no different!
As you can see lots of fun filled our December! We loved all of our weddings and family sessions!
We had quite a few newborn sessions, and being around new life always brings joy! We created a lot of canvas gallery wraps for Christmas presents, and know how happy they made the recipients.
If we could have one wish for 2013 it is that all of the good from this past year could be multiplied for this next year! Best wishes to you and yours!
We hope you love this video fusion of the colorful holiday lights at Jacksonville’s Friendship Fountain!