Jacksonville Newborn Baby Photography by Jerry and Karen Favorite | Favorite Studios | Florida Family Photographers
Welcome to baby Connor of proud parents, Charles and Tejal! This adorable boy arrived towards the end of winter and we got to meet him when he was still teeny-tiny.
We love beautiful naked baby pictures… sleeping and so sweet. What an angel! A great idea for the newborn photo shoot is to bring some personal baby items like a custom knit cap or blanket. Maybe something old that you had as a kid or matches the color scheme of the baby nursery.
What an amazing blessing you are to your mom and dad. We know you are already growing bigger, changing and exploring more every day.
Go Gators! For baby boys (or girls), bring your favorite team paraphernalia, ball or toy.
Soon you will be introduced to Florida life – playing in the sand,
riding waves, throwing a football and rooting for your favorite team
(thinking it’ll be the “Gators” if your parents have anything to say
about that)!
Lots of love and kisses. These are memories to cherish always. Nothing is sweeter that cute little noses, baby fingers and toes.
Congratulations to the the McLeod family and thank you for giving us the opportunity to photograph your precious baby.
Jacksonville Newborn Baby Photography by Jerry and Karen Favorite, Family and Baby Photographers
Wow how time flies! We can’t believe the first month of 2013 is already over with! This first month was wonderful and we can’t wait to see what is in store for the rest of the year.

Home improvement projects, Karen’s birthday, and a very special event shoot rounded out the rest of our month. We hope you had a wonderful January!