Twin Sister Graduation Pictures|University of Central Florida Photographer Hannah Favorite | Favorite Studios Photography + Cinematography

UCF Twin Sisters Graduation Pictures
Congratulations are in order for these twin sisters who graduated from UCF together! Keep scrolling to see these UCF Twin Sisters Graduation Pictures, and all of the fun poses! There are always a few timeless pictures when photographing graduation pictures, but it’s fun to spice it up!

“Look Over Your Shoulder”
A simple instruction to say is “look over your shoulder.” First of all, this is easy for someone who’s not use to getting their picture taken. Second, it allows for a variety of pictures. Finally, it’s fun! Generally it is important to make sure that the posing direction is clear and helpful to the subject.

Play Around with Cropping
How a picture is cropped helps with the aesthetic. You can fill the frame with your subject or choose to leave negative space around them. Negative space is a helpful tool to help add balance or simplicity to a photo. Also, it is important to use the Rule of Thirds when cropping pictures. Keep the subjects in the center or off to the side. For example, in these UCF Twin Sisters Graduation Pictures we made sure to have some pictures tight on their faces and others that are zoomed out to show the background. This can be done when taking the graduation pictures or while editing.

Classic Champagne Pop
It’s time to celebrate!!! Graduating from University is a major accomplishment, and it’s important to celebrate with some bubbly. The iconic UCF Reflection Pond is the perfect place to take graduation pictures.
Additionally, these two UCF twin sisters wanted to take some pictures together as well as separate. They popped some champagne together and individually. All of the pictures are filled with life and movement. As shown above, the pictures that are always the most eye catching to us here are Favorite Studios. Also, click the link here to see some more of our senior pictures and here fore our price brochure.

UCF Twin Sisters Graduation Pictures