University of South Florida Grad Photographer|Florida Photographer Hannah Favorite | Favorite Studios Photography + Cinematography

University of South Florida Grad Photographer
Florida is filled with some of the top universities, and more students than we can count. When the end of the Fall and Spring semesters roll around then we know it’s time for grad pictures. This blog pictures are from when Katie graduated from USF! Go Bulls!!!
We love to consider ourselves Grad Photographers, and love shooting at all Florida universities! As a University of South Florida Grad Photographer we pride ourselves in knowing the best places to take grad pictures. Also, it is just as important that we know a variety of fun poses!

Cool off from the Florida Heat
Most people would know that Florida is known for its hot summers. This means that Spring Grad Pictures are a great opportunity to have seniors hop into a pond for pictures. Firstly, it is a fun way to get big smiles. Secondly, it allows the seniors to cool off from the Florida heat.

Grad Pictures with Friends
Graduation pictures are all about remembering one of the most important times in your life. What better way to remember the good old days then to have your best friends be in the pictures. Many grads choose to have a select amount of friends be in their grad pictures.

Grad Picture Pose Ideas
As a University of South Florida Grad Photographer, we know just how important it is for each picture to be unique. Composition and posing are two of the easiest ways to diversify a photoshoot. When there is only one subject, it is important to play with props. Grad pictures are perfect because grads can use their cap and gowns as props. For example, an iconic graduation pose is of the student throwing their cap into the sky. This symbolizes them graduating and moving onto the next steps in their life.